Farouk has been part of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL process since October 2008. He is today a valued member of the Responsibility Coach Student Team within Goodwood Medium Prison and it is such a great privilege for all of us to work hand in hand with him!
He is one of the first coach students to have an official (DCS staff) as a test client. Very exciting as this truly shows a door opening to availing oneself as a student regardless of the circumstances of life... in this case an offender offering guidance to a case officer.
My mentor, Karina Andersen, wrote in the introduction of her book ‘The Responsible Individual’ I quote: “The journey of responsibility is about taking ownership. It is about understanding with all of your being, that absolutely nobody holds the answer but you. The moment we can embrace this, it will be given”
I really do not think nor feel that there is a better meaning to be given to the concept of a responsible journey than the above. However, that is her truth and we all have our own truths.
What then is my truth on this concept of responsibility?
My truth is that I am part of a world that pulses with consciousness. A door is being opened to this great reality and it behoves me to enter as a Being freed from fear and filled with love. This is my responsibility. This is my truth.
I wake up each day, open to the emptiness of my Being. I know nothing. Understanding that my very first thought, feeling and deed determines my experience.
Long before now and in my learning times, I am still learning. I have often been blindsided by different events and experiences in my life, and I tend to rely on old coping skills because the root of the established pattern of this behaviour is part of my emotional strategizing from very early on. It seem that these responses are hardwired into me and they offered themselves as the first-line of defence in whatever way I chose to use these coping mechanisms to move past the painful or challenging experiences in my life. This was my pattern.
It is so fulfilling, how it has been possible for me to suspend judgement of each and every experience and encounter. The possibility of this can perhaps be attributed to or through silencing the chatter (noise) inside, allowing for the experience of whatever it is to grow me responsibly.
I also listen to the continual backdrop of noise inside and outside of me so as to come to a place of awareness - of finding meaning and giving value.
Today every new breath I take reminds me of my place and my relationship with this beautiful planet I call home - a part of the puzzle, uniqueness in the whole. Every new breath I take provides me with a deep respect and love of life and for all other of its inhabitants. Moving from within, reminding me of my place in humanity to fulfil my destiny as a heart-centred light being. This is my responsibility. This is my journey.
In my journey of responsibility I have learnt that challenges are my mirrors and are there to guide me, to allow me to access those areas in my life I have always dreaded accessing, to attend to areas in my life that I have been blindsided to.
I have learnt that a responsible journey is not one of a determined destination but one of embracing every single moment in its richness, of finding meaning in every single experience.
I have learnt to impart richness to each and every experience I have. I have learnt to re-activate my appreciation of the small things, the seemingly irrelevant details of living. I have learnt to turn each moment into a jewel, one that reflects my light in a myriad of ways. I have come to understand that I am the essence of pure perfection...
This is my responsibility. This is my journey. My truth.
Luyanda is one of the Responsibility Coach Students @ Brandvlei Maximum Prison. This is a part of his case study - 2nd Module / Block 1:
In the process I have learned to acknowledge the power of words. I realize that what I am calling myself to be, I become. That what I say I am, I become. So in other words what I install in my mind about myself becomes manifested. Therefore I learn to always think positive about myself and the surrounding.
The enlightenment which is currently pouring within my universe has actually opened a lot of doors for me. The universal language which I am embracing has led me to see different individuals from all spheres of life and all these individuals I have invited them through the energy of love – which we are all exchanging as individuals. The results, in return, are amazing/healing me, because that which we are sharing is unconditionally. Through that I am getting support and love. It is overwhelming!
As I also said to my fellow student life coaches during our sharing sessions, I have started to say “I love you” to my mother – for the first time whilst I am here in prison. I was always scared and fearful of how she “Sindiswa Cynthia Mboniswa” would react. The process of The Responsible Individual has led me to the source of this fear. I have dived deep and explored. In the process I have managed to find that it is my source which I must operate from. Now I am no longer shaking. I say I LOVE YOU MAMA with an open heart and true meaning!
Having said the above I have managed also to invite/attract some individuals that became interested in knowing me personally beside the Group of Hope work, which was the actual source of our meeting. I refer to these individuals as my mothers, my sisters and my family. To name just a few: Linda Scott, Lorraine Meyer, Lorraine Forbes, Magriet Conradie, Corne Claasen, Maurice Botha, Elizabeth Mqela, Lulu Scott, Robyn Scott, Diana Nagel and my forever loving Karina (my mentor, coach and friend) – ALL played a huge role in my growth. Mr. Pansegrouw, Selma and fellow group members I am saying thank you very much for your love, encouraging words and support. And I regard all of them as my RELATIVES! They play a huge role in me. And remember that all of them came into my universe through the availing of myself, being open to all that I am. This confirms that we are connected as individuals in this universe and our main goal in life is to create a better environment and atmosphere for everyone. And again, if I am doing that for myself all surroundings will benefit. Therefore to me, all of us, we are relatives in this universe – we are not separate from each other. Being one means we are operating from wholeness sphere and that sphere is in me. I am one with that sphere
I want to thank you for helping me to find my new journey to spiritual freedom and happiness.
I am Thabo M. I am 58 years of age and I am serving 18 years imprisonment as from 2000 for armed robbery.
I had a great deal of negative and destructive values e.g. anger, hate, hurt, selfishness and non-forgiveness.
In 2008 I was honoured to have met Karina & Sarah. We formed an instant understanding and a solid relationship. You offered me a book THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. This book developed our bond of relationship further. This book transformed me from all the negativity to someone who can radiate love and kindness to all sentient beings.
I cannot change the painful shadow of my past, but I have a great chance of changing my future. We all make mistakes in life and it is very important to learn from them and not to repeat them.
Since I’ve involved myself with SmilingOne it is my daily journey of Self-Discovery. The turning point of my life, discovering Self, is finding out what my limits are and where my heart lies. I am forever controlling my bad habits and trying to cultivate good ones. I have learnt about the importance and the invisible strength of compassion and loving kindness and how to be tolerant and accepting, taking life as it comes and not fighting against the current. I am discovering a deep reserve of inner strength right inside myself, feeling the joy of satisfaction of loving a good simple life and a blame free life.
I now know that it is not necessary to give up my life for other people to become completely selfless. A huge amount is what I have achieved just by not harming those around me and not causing pain for others through dictatorship, selfishness and inconsideration. After I’ve stopped hurting other people with words and deeds, my kindness has found room to grow in!
The more I read from this book the more I like and feel the freedom of my new understanding to a whole new dimension. It is amazing to find out that all the people around me have become friendly to each other because of what I share with them. They don’t care what I look like; they accept me with open hearts and minds for the role and impact I bestow upon them.
My desire is to possibly plant the seeds in the minds of the community to fulfil my obligations. I am eager to make use of this opportunity.It is indeed a great experience to have met you. You have given to me everything that my heart desired! Thank you very much!
From Thabo M.
August 2009 - CELEBRATION

2009 - August UPDATE
We started the first 1/3 of the month with the SmilingOne Fundraising Event @ the CTICC supported by amazing artists such as The Glenn Robertson Jazz Band, Mark Banks and the Oriental Dance Theatre. 100 guests blessed us with their presence that day and contributed - alongside generous sponsors - to make our event a HUGE SUCCESS!
You can read more about the fundraising event here.
As we raise funds we are able to do so much more for rehabilitation in South African Prisons, for people/community development in South African Townships and soon to come (2010) within the South African Police Force. Our next event is around the corner! I will keep you posted : )
This journey of rehabilitation leaves me IN AWE!!! We are now experiencing the incredible momentum that has been build through a 20 months process of working hand in hand with maximum prisoners, prison management and a deep passion to inspire change and responsible living - simply by walking the talk (a faithful heart leads to allowance, commitment & gratitude)
Wednesday last week, August 26th, the Responsibility Coach™ Student Team in Brandvlei Maximum (Luyanda, Sihle, Thando, Alfred & Sibabalo), Head of Centre (Mr. Horn) & SmilingOne (Karina Andersen) were acknowledging the commitment and great achievement of prisoners, who have made themselves a priority and taken on the journey of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.
6 inmates (Franklin Abrahams, Bulelani Mjujwana, Riaan Swanty, Oscar Adams, Malcom Booysen & Marwaan Muller) were given certificates for having completed the first part of the journey: MY SELF IDENTITY. Another ~40 prisoners were attending the ceremony - they are all in the process and benefitting hugely as they are being guided by the SmilingOne Responsibility Coach™ Student Team within the prison.
Photos from the day you can find here.
The Coaches Student Team are now preparing these 6 clients for the next step of the journey - MY DIRECTION / IMPLEMENTATION & BUILDING AWARENESS - and they are continuing to work closely with their other clients that are currently in the first phase.
Our aim is that another 5-8 offenders are ready for the Responsibility Coach™ Education in the beginning of 2010, ready to take over from the current Team when all five in the Team will leave for Medium in 2010. The five guys leaving will be taking the process of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL with them, spreading it to 5 other correctional institutions - both Western and Eastern Cape.
When you plant a seed today you never know what happens 20 months down the line. It is not the 'having to know it all' that determines the fruit - it is:
- walking the journey with a FAITHFUL HEART - trusting that no matter how the journey of growth will look, even as it offers great challenges along the way, it will be 'just perfect', which leads to...
- ALLOWANCE - meaning less 'control', creating a flow, allowing natural growth
- COMMITMENT to nurture a process, attending to it with love, care and attention and
- GRATITUDE for the great gift of learning that every process avails for all involved.
Show Casing Self Identity Profile of Riaan Swanty - Client of Luyanda Mboniswa
(the Self Identity is worked on frequently - to deepen and simplify. This is the first draft by the client)
I live my life to the fullness of my potential, living an exploring life.
I am helpful to my fellow friend – through my positive thoughts and my inputs.
I make a difference in all I do.
I am Loving: I love everyone in my life unconditionally, for helping me realize who I really am…
I am Honest: I am honest to myself and to people around me. I always keep my word.
I am Caring: I help people through their difficulties. I take time to care for myself mentally, spiritually an physically.
I am Respectful: I respect each and everyone for who they are in this world
I am a Son: I am thankful to my parents for their love and care towards me.
I am a Father: I am thankful for the privilege given to me, walking the path of life with my beautiful children.
I am a Believer: I believe in God. I believe God have a purpose for existence in this world and with the right choices I can make a difference
I am a Friend: I am blessed with longstanding friendships that are based on mutual acceptance and understanding
What ‘The Responsible Individual’ means to me:
First of all I want to say thank you for the opportunity to be part of this amazing program, for me it is really a privilege. This Responsible Individual program has really helped me to overcome heavy burdens in my life. I know through my mission, values and key roles I will reach the fullness of my potential. I also believe in the future I will achieve the achievements in life.
My life has been touched and forever changed. In the process of this program I have learned a lot of positive things. I have learned to be responsible in everything I do and to accept people for who they are. I was someone who had loved to be in control but this program has changed my mindset and I have realized that you must respect each and every one because life isn’t about me alone.I have learned to be appreciative towards my life and where I am now. I have also learnt to be faithful to others and now that I have the opportunity to make a change in life I also know that I can reach the fullness of my potential in life. I have also learnt to stand firm in the choice that I have made in life. I really appreciate it to be part of this incredible program.
Saturday - August 29th - SmilingOne was invited to parttake in the 'Adult Learners Award Ceremony' within the correctional centre - a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge the journey of inmates who had been inviting change and responsible living into their lives.
First we acknowledged the Level 4 (ABET - grade 7-10) Learners (25 learners), who since May this year have taken part in a weekly one hour session, working with the book THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL as part of their Life Skill lesson, guided by Karina Andersen (me) & Welcome Dennis Witbooi (Responsibility Coach Student within the prison). A couple of them shared of their journey so far - the understanding of challenge as an opportunity, of re-active patterns, of emotional imbalances, of allowing & attending healing - using the doors availed through 're-action', of not 'shooting the messenger'... These guys will be ready for their first certificate SELF IDENTITY end of the year. They are all slowly but surely building trust within themselves, learning to listen to and understand their hearts and from their to choose commitment to their personal journeys. It is a great privilege to work with them.
Then we acknowledged Chris, Farouk, Thabo M and Frederick for their commitment and great achievement. They were given certificates for having completed the first part SELF IDENTITY of the course THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. Lastly Thabo Zondo and Welcome Dennis Witbooi received THE PERSONAL BALANCED PROFILE CERTIFICATE for having completed both part 1 and part 2 - both walking the journey with a faithful heart, allowing of their processes, committed and deeply grateful!
Photos will be posted shortly.
Show Casing Self Identity Profile of Farouk
I am the best I can be - unique and special - always seeking knowledge and understanding.
I am here to guide and to love purely and unconditionally, engaging my entire being in all that I do.
I live out my values every single day.
I am HUMBLE in thoughts, words and deeds.
I am curious, always LEARNING new things.
I am in LOVE with myself and with the universe as a whole.
I RESPECT all humans and all things living, irrespective of age, race, culture, creed and colour.
I am OPEN and free in being myself and in expressing myself.
I am GRATEFUL for all that I am and to all I share my experiences with.
I SHARE and give wholeheartedly.
As a MAN I honour, respect and accept the masculine and feminine aspects that makes me whole. I nurture and look after myself. I cater for all my physical, mental and spiritual needs.
As a SON I love, respect, honour and care for my parents.
As a life long STUDENT I am learning at all times, gaining knowledge, creating awareness and understanding.
I am a PARTNER. I love my partner unconditonally. I care, share, communicate and keep our relationship healthy and divine at all times.
I am a FRIEND. I am blessed with friendships build on a foundation of acceptance and understanding.
I am ONE. I am one individual expressing myself throught the roles of a Man, a Son, a life long Student, a Partner and a Friend.
Thank you, dear inspired friends, for taking your time to dive into the world of this life-changing journey - a journey that means so much to so many - a journey that makes a difference - a journey that touches people's lives!
Certificate Ceremony August 26th 2009
An amazing day of CELEBRATION - acknowledging Maximum Prisoners on their Journey of Self Discovery - journeys of embracing change and walking the path of life responsibly - all with the help and guidance of the SmilingOne Responsibility Coach Student Team within the Maximum Institution (Sibabalo, Alfred, Luyanda, Thando & Sihle), supported by Brandvlei Management (Mr. Horn & Mr. Heyens) and SmilingOne (Karina).What a great privilege to be part of.
A huge thank you goes to 5 AMAZING guys who are living by example and inspiring others to GREATness within one of the toughest environments imaginable! You guys ROCK!!!
Deep Gratitude
2009 - May UPDATE
In the update you will be able to read
- letters written by clients (inmates) at Brandvlei Maximum
- about the start-up of 25 clients (21-25 year olds)
- about the head of prison referring the section 2 manager to the Responsibility Coaching™ process and recommending it to be used in section 2 (450 inmates)
I am blown away by the amazing progress that we see in Brandvlei Maximum Prison - all initiated and guided by the Responsibility Coach™ Student Team - 5 Coach Students in their 2nd year of the Responsibility Coaching™ process. They are taking this concept BEYOND... No matter what challenges they are facing they handle it to perfection, they embrace their learning and inspire others by walking their talk and living their lives authentically!
Luyanda Mboniswa asked his four clients to write a bit of feedback about their journey and the process. The letters has not been changed. Not all of them have english as their first language - they are however doing great in their sharing. I think it is important to keep it original as it inspires everyone else to share as well!
O. A
When I was first introduced to being a ‘Responsible Individual’, I was very intrigued about the program because the life coach Luyanda had a very distinctive appearance and boisterous approach towards life. If I should depict my character before I started this program it would be prudent but measured in my standard terms. But as I delved further into my life, I realized that I was still filled with enormous amount of anger and a paramount of trusting issues.
The anger and trusting issues was not a tangible issue to a certain degree because it was an undercurrent that I was well aware of it but did not have the courage to deal with it. While studying ‘The Responsible Individual’ book I’ve learnt to stop looking into life but rather start focusing on my inner self and self worth hence, take ownership of my feelings and actions; but to also transcend in my character per se.
I’ve also realized by the tools Luyanda gave me, that I’ve got some poignant emotions concerning my past, which this program is helping me deal with. Every day I am instilling what I’ve learned into my life. I am definitely seeing and feeling the change that is taking place. I’m also now very aware of my emotions and re-actions. I know that this is a process, which demands commitment, honesty and tons of trust. I’m taking each day a step at a time. But many times it feels like a battle or struggle. And when I’m in that state of mind I would just begin to take 5 mins at a time.
This course is so instructive to me in so diverse areas in my life that even my parents began to notice my new energy towards life and others. Well, I’m very much aware that my foundation needs to be solid now and there’s so much more to acquire as an individual. I’m just glad that I now have a life coach, mentor and also friend to assist me in becoming a responsible individual.
R. S
I was born in 1984 in Cape Town in a Rastafarian culture with a loving family. As I was grown up as a Rasta, life was difficult at school and in my family because my mother’s family were Christians and I had to accept it. I wasn’t there to judge any of them; but I had to live with it and make life better for me.
As life went on I met a friend, we worked together at the same factory and our friendship grew stronger. In our friendship we did something terribly wrong and we were sent to prison. In prison life things started to get more complicated. We started to blame each other for the crime we had done. The friendship took a knock and we went separate ways. Nine years of good friendship ended because of judgement towards one another.
The anger inside of me pushed me away from people because I had lost trust in people due to what happened between me and my friend. I was hurt inside and I couldn’t forgive myself. The person’s in the process forgave us; but I found it hard to forgive and I felt hatred inside me. We were in prison for six years and I still carried this hatred within me.
Seven months back I ended my twenty-three years of being a Rasta and I took a decision to give Christ a chance in my life. But in the process I lost my father due to the decision I had made. He wrote me off. He is not talking to me anymore. My mother supports my decision and that is all that matters to me. I held my head up high because it was my own decision that I had made. In the process I was hurt; but I stood firm and held my head up.
Then I started with the program of how to be a ‘Responsible Individual’. It has helped me a lot, that I have to start first with me, and also how to cope in difficult situations – no matter what comes my way. I am finding peace in my heart and a way to live with my fellow inmates and to forgive each and everyone in the process.
This program has helped me to make a wise course in life. I took my pride and put it aside and I went to my friend to ask him for his forgiveness. He kept quiet for a few seconds, and then accepted my apology. Now we talk again. I know it will take time; but it is for the best.
I also want to say thank you to the life coach Luyanda who has helped me with this course. He helps me to believe in myself and to trust in Self first. I am glad to have a life coach like Luyanda. His support is amazing and I know I can learn more from him as the program goes on.
In the future I see myself as someone who can make a change in the community, especially for the children. Now that I know how to deal with difficult situations I know change is possible in a person’s life.
This program has helped me and I’m still learning as it goes on. Now I know I can overcome any challenge that comes my way. Wasn’t it for this course I wouldn’t know how to have overcome my fears. This is my journey that I want to follow till the end.
Thank you for such a course that can make changes to people’s lives.
B. M
The day 12/03/2009 was a life-changing experience for me. On that particular day I met a person who perceives things differently than other people and the way he perceives things fascinated me. I was intrigued when he told me about the course which is called ‘The Responsible Individual’, because all these years I was looking for something of this nature.
I was born in East London but grew up in Cape Town in a place called Philippi in a township. The life in townships is characterised by violence and people in areas like those lack emotional education, therefore distortions are conditioned in their subconscious from the tender age. In most cases when overwhelmed by challenges we tend to panic and allow emotions to fun high, we allow emotions to ruin our lives, we allow emotions to dig our enormous graves!!
The day that I’ve mentioned above was the most important day, because from that day until now I can pin-point the alterations in my life. Now I dive deeply into the situations. I don’t look only at the actual occurrence like I used to. Especially when it comes to emotions I can proudly say I am heading for emotional intelligence. I try to react in a more rational manner in every situation; but sometimes I react badly. I remember a recent incident when I practically thought I was unable to control my anger; but thank you to the opponent who instantly saw where we were heading and decided to calm down. And the next day my coach, Luyanda – as he heard the whispers of the occurrence – approached me and he asked me "what have I learnt from the occurrence?" I was unable to answer owing to my ignorance. I did not take the incident into consideration and during the process of recapitulating the occurrence we discovered that I have an anger problem which I was unaware of. So the opponent was a mirror, but I wanted to ‘shoot the messenger’ which was wrong of me.
Overall the course is very good, because it is instilling some quality like trust and love for me and people in general. To embrace these different perceptions about things and situations is a challenge in itself. But my facilitator is very good and he is very patient with a person until the person understands. So thus I am jolly optimistic about this course and my maturity in all the angles/departments.
J. C.
From the very outset, I think in 2008, when I first heard about ‘The Responsible Individual’, I was curious about it; but due to circumstances I never got around to it. I had a perception of it, but I was quite ignorant I know. On a few occasions I noticed a rather interesting looking woman at Group of Hope, and I wondered what motivated her to keep on coming back here. I enquired and was informed by Welcome Witbooi that she was Karina Andersen, and that she was facilitating some ground-breaking work. I became even more curious, but I did not take the matter further.
Then in March, this year, something major happened which has been the catalyst to me embarking on this journey. I was now in the same room each day with Luyanda and two other Group of Hope members, and although I had been exposed to them before I never really had the opportunity to sit down with them and pose some questions to them. I viewed this as my opportunity to find out more about ‘The Responsible Individual’, thinking it would be just another ‘run of the mill’ type of course. My perception was based on the fact that as a qualified theologian I sort of viewed the bit of information I heard about ‘The Responsible Individual’ as something like a type of counselling or therapeutic type of program. I was, however, still a bit resistant! That was all about to change. My overwhelming curiosity finally got the better of me and I asked Luyanda for the blue book, thinking that in it I would unearth something that would justify my earlier perceptions.
I am ashamed to say that I was hopelessly wrong in every respect, and I was about to be completely blown away. From the very first page – in fact from the inside cover – I found myself being drawn even deeper into the book and what I read really intrigued me - as I more and more came face to face with my own inner-self, my inner fears and even some of my inner emptiness. There were times it felt like the writer was speaking directly to me, ‘forcing’ me to even put the book down for days on end, because it was opening up wounds I thought I had ‘gotten over’ long ago. At the same time I was almost emotionally overwhelmed when I read about Karina’s experience of loosing her husband and the poem ‘The cry of my heart’ really touched on some deep ‘long-forgotten’, but obviously still raw, tender nerves inside. It suddenly brought me again face to face with the loss of my late wife almost 9 years ago, and the enormous emptiness I felt then came flooding back over me like some long-lost friend, only it wasn’t my friend - it wanted to consume me, overpower me, draw me back into the deep abyss of depression I had felt all those years ago, and I was not going to allow that to happen. I could not deal with that again. I put the book down and did not touch it for two weeks again, until yesterday, when I once more decided to face my fears and really get stuck in it again.
Thus far, working through ‘The Responsible Individual’ has been a journey of discovery for me. It has opened up ‘doors’ I thought had been closed long ago, it has forced me to do some serious introspection, really examine myself from every angle and it’s made me realize that there’s still a lot of work to be done in me, though it’s more of a fine-tuning nature. I always viewed myself as a responsible individual, but now I know that I’m not yet ‘The Responsible Individual’ I need to be. I’m looking ahead to going on with this book, as I know that I’ve already learnt so much and there’s still more to be learnt.
Regarding Luyanda, my impression of him has been confirmed as I realized that he is indeed having a major impact on those around him. My sessions with him have been quite informative and I’ve learnt a great deal. As a mentor or life coach, he has been very effective because of one reason; he walks the walk, living by example. I see in him the very mark of ‘The Responsible Individual’ and it’s what I’m striving towards as well. This experience so far has taught me a great deal about others, as well as myself. I view this as a marathon, not a sprint. By the time I cross the finish line I want to ‘be the change I want to see in others’.
I have no doubt that you are totally in awe (exactly as I was) about these amazing testimonies. Not only does it reflect that we ALL are able to inspire great change in one another - it also reflects that there is so much LOVE, so much COMPASSION and so much HOPE.
Working hand in hand with the group of maximum prisoners and with the Brandvlei Management Area we are succeeding in implementing RESPONSIBLE REHABILITATION and we have established a platform for continuous personal leadership development due to the expertise of the Responsibility Coach™ Student Team.
Each Coach Student is having 3-5 clients (+5 each in the new juvenile group) whom they coach/guide either 1-on-1 or in group sessions. Part of their educational path as Responsibility Coaches™ is to be trained in both, which strengthens their ability to guide individuals and groups.
As we had the session at Brandvlei Wednesday we spoke about the challenges that they experience with their clients. It is an opportunity for them to bounce off their processes and get some ideas on how to approach things in more ways than one. They are amazing in assisting each other with different approaches by always availing their own personal journey. We work a lot with understanding the gift that the clients come with, the mirror they often present and the personal processing that it invites to.
These guys have such a rich toolbox by now and they just constantly make me speechless! What makes them so unique is also the path they have walked. Their toolbox is equipped with an understanding that allows them to work with those who walk a path of crime. They can work where most of us - you and I - can't. They are right there in one of the toughtest environments that you can imagine and they inspire GREAT change! This is the REAL DEAL!
As I came Wednesday it had been almost 4 weeks since our last session, due to the Easter Break and the voting. They are FANTASTIC in keeping themselves busy. They had since our last session arranged to begin Responsibility Coaching™ Sessions with a group of 21-25 year old - an additional 25 clients/inmates in the process. Every Friday from 10h00 to 13h00 they have group sessions and break the bigger group down to 5 smaller groups (5 in each), each guided by one of the Coach Students.
Another interesting project has come up. The section manager of section 2, who is responsible for 450 inmates, was asked to find a skill development programme for his section. The head of prison referred him to the Responsibility Coach™ Student Team, recommending that he would make use of the Responsibility Coaching™ process - all due to the amazing results achieved so far.
Doors are opening fast and we have 5 very busy guys at Brandvlei who are doing a FANTASTIC JOB in crime prevention and management!!!
Let us be reminded to give the next person a second chance. Let us move beyond judgement and operate from a place of LOVE. With an open heart we can touch millions of lives... and guess what... it begins with touching one... make a difference today! Because YOU care!
2009 - April UPDATE
Today was such an amazing day at Brandvlei Maximum Prison, truly touching, grapping everyone's heart in the session - not one eye was left dry! We were all reminded, right there, just how important this 'soul work' is, that we do. The sharing today took one of the guys on a journey to his past - a past of gang related activities and much brutality.....on his journey he found himself in great pain and totally lost....fearful.... a Self searching...
As we open our hearts and revisit the past, expressing and releasing every single emotion locked, we welcome healing and allow the journey of setting ourselves free. We can harvest the fruits of tremendous growth n learning... those seeds that we have planted have now turned into knowledge that has turned into wisdom... enabling us to share and care!
...A Self finding true Identity.
This is the second Wednesday back at Brandvlei after the February incident where several officials were stabbed by members of gangs (on February 14th). It has been some quite chaotic 45 days for the guys (the 5 Coach Students), who since January 2008 have been part of the SmilingOne Programme.
The challenge, that began with the February incident, ended up being a true gift for them. They were 'thrown' back into an environment that they only knew too well, yet hadn't been directly involved in or part of for quite a while. They had chosen a path of change through their involvement in Group of Hope and the SmilingOne ONE SOCIETY programme. We spoke about that the only way to know if we have truly changed is to go back in there, live in the 'old' environment and then choose YOU - live your authentic Self! Until then 'change' is merely a 'theory'. First when you manage to 'walk the talk' you will truly know how far you have come on your journey of change and responsible living....
Let me share some feedback from the guys and a bit about what they have been doing in midst of this great challenge:
Feedback from Sibabalo:
"I must say it, girl, it was bad and no one likes to experience that. Especially if you don't have any tools to handle the situation. Everyone wants to leave. They want to leave because of the change.... people fears the change.... through SmilingOne I have come to a point where I look at things in a way that I don't judge anyone, but I am looking for possible answers. So through this matter I spend my time trying to find the way forward... I wish all of these guys may go through the SmilingOne programme so that they can be responsible individuals. It is our time to share with them what we have! .... Talking about responsible individuals I must say that I am proud of myself right now because I can SEE both sides and not judge anyone. I believe in win/win situations....
(Sibabalo has the past 45 days managed to start his first coaching group with 3 test-clients and he daily seeks to inspire more of the inmates in his cell to join the programme)
Feedback from Luyanda around his clients processes the past 45 days:
My CIRCLE OF SHARING with clients. Firstly it was an honor for me to have these guys as my clients. Because the manner in which they entrusted me with their personal life is amazing. I think another reason that led them not to doubt me is because I became open about myself from the very on set I introduced the program to them.
I am having 4x clients on that section (3). All of them very much open about themselves and understanding the topics we discussed such as:
- The Responsible Individual
- Challenge
- Trust
- Sharing about life and oneself
- Also about personalising things
- Emotions and their importance.....
And the manner in which we adressed these issues was amazing. I came to learn a lot. They were very much eager to sit in sessions and the advantage was that we were sitting at least for 2 hours daily. It is a pity that I was transferred to another section (2) (after 45 days). I told them when the situation becomes normal again we will continue our sessions....
So for now - where I am (in section 2) - I didn't hesitate... one of the guys came to ask for my advice about an incident that occured between him and his friend - an actual misunderstanding and lack of communication. They were not talking to each other. I told him that honesty will be a good remedy as the first step and looking at the motive behind the fact that he wanted to go and talk to this guy. Then we made everything clear. I told him that a situation, such as this one, I am familiar with and the best solution is not to prove who was right and wrong; but to create a situation where they will understand each other, who they are, why they want to resolve the situation and then make a win/win. I am proud to inform you that they are talking today and they did express themselves to each other positively. They are both my clients now as well as one of their friends. So currently I have - here in section 2 - 3x clients and I am looking forward to working with them. Today I am going to give them their books.
I am still on the process, doing just well and gaining some knowledge and learning from these guys...
Feedback from Thando around his Art of Observing the past 45 days:
As a result, even though I am surrounded by all this frustration 'I have remained at peace' and I have shared and radiated this peace to these who surrounds me. From my observation I discovered that this is what everyone wants but they just don't know how to.
'I have been love' and I have shared and radiated this love to everyone. From my observation I discovered that everyone searches for this love everywhere else and from everyone else but not from within. Simply - because they don't know how.
'I have been mindful' about all that I do and say which naturally brings genuine consideration of all. From my observation I discovered that many enjoy my company and to be considered is what they appreciate most; but they don't know how to be considerate.
'I have been joyful', shared this feeling of happiness and gratification - even brought it on others that wished they could be like this. From my observation I discovered that all are pleased to bring joy on others and be joy; but do not know how to be in this state irrespective of the circumstances.
'I have been inspired and an inspiration' to and by all that surrounds me, my environment. From my observation I discovered that many are impressed and instigated to be inspired and inspiring; but not sure how to.
'I have continued to learn, equip and enrich myself' in every way possible and from my observation I discovered that many are curious to know more, hungry for any skill they can equip themselves with, thirsty for growth in all aspects of Self.
I have looked for good in people and realized how GREAT and wonderful everyone is, that I highly appreciate to be with and around them always.
I feel blessed to work closely with these guys, who each day are responsible about their own journey of learning and eager to inspire others on theirs.
It humbles me beyond the change they have managed to bring to their lives and the change they inspire in others. I am deeply touched!!
Our team of Responsibility Coach™ Students have now started their 2nd Block: OBSERVING & ADVANCED PBP within their 1st educational training Module: NEW BEGINNING. They are EXCITED!!! Our focus for this term will be 'Gauging & PBP work'. We are having an ongoing workshop 'Advanced PBP' every second Wednesday. Aim is to truly understand the power of chaos/form/simplicity (which gives us clarity). Answers will arise out of any situation - not by force (control) - by allowing and listening to the process and embrace the learning that it comes with. This is essential in a guiding role. They practice being observant, operating from a place of love (letting go of fear & ego / surrendering).
They are truly AMAZING in their Guidance and I am in awe as I both learn from and mentor/guide them on this journey. WOW!
The Wednesdays Circles of Sharing, where offenders attend the programme of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL, are this year facilitated by the Responsibility Coach™ Student Team - every second Wednesday when the SmilingOne Team is not there. This is an essential part of their education and will take the programme beyond 'section 6' - to all other sections. This is where we work closely with management to ensure their 'flexibility'. Not that easy within a Maximum Security Centre like Brandlvei. It is however amazing how more and more doors open.
A few weeks back there was an incident with stabbings of several wardens - a gang related attack originating from section 4. This has prevented the SmilingOne Team and anyone else to come to the Maximum Centre since mid February. The prison has been on high security alert since then and all sections, including our guys in section 6, has been locked up. Not even the social workers has been allowed access to see any of them.
The incident will lead to change within the Maximum Centre - and change is always good! Systems easily becomes stagnate and as change is inevitable it will challenge a stagnate system until it bursts (a state of 'out of control' - opposite to the 'too much control') - offering the opportunity to re-assess, do things differently and find a better balance. The section 4 has for a long time been a major concern for the management area due to the heavy gang activities and lately the rumours of stabbing. 'The pot was boiling' - all high risk gangsters (and all new incoming ones) were still kept in / referred to the very same section.
What a learning process!
I have no doubt that this is a HUGE challenge for our Responsibility Coach™ Student Team. I do however know that they are well equipped and they will use the challenge as an opportunity to go deeper within themselves and assist their fellow inmates in doing the same. They know that there are no coincidences and that all has a purpose. The SmilingOne Team are sending them lots of supporting energy for the journey. The moment we are given green light we will be back to assist them in their processing and working towards getting our programme into more of the sections - giving inmates an opportunity to choose change.
The process at Goodwood has for us been an amazing learning experience. I think Christine, Sarah and I have taken a few master degrees in patience until now ; ) It has been valuable learning to 'gently' work with the 'system' and to allow an organic process to take form and be trusting of the outcome. I am still negotiating the operational agreement (just formalities and furthermore inspiring DCS to take part in the funding of the programme). Alongside this we are of course already busy facilitating the first part of the process (since October 2008) on a voluntary basis. Our aim is to run the course every Thursday from 9am-12pm and 12-3pm with a total of 40 participants for every 6 months from.
At this stage we are running our Thursdays Circles of Sharing with around 10 inmates and 2 Responsibility Coach™ Students (Thabo & Welcome) and experiencing amazing progress within the group. Today the session was focused around 'trust'. We explored how we through one-dimensional experiencing tend to 'give away our power' (referring to the 'Circle of Experiencing' in the responsibility manual) and how we can use the knowledge gained (both as we give away the power and are reclaiming it again through healing processing) in our process of balancing ('Spectrum of Awareness' in the responsibility manual). The guys enjoy the sharing a lot and avail themselves, their emotions and life journeys - enabling a truly interesting processing that gives each of them valuable ingredients for their toolbox.
This morning I had an interesting meeting with the Parole Board. They are very excited about our programme and the possibility of working hand in hand with us. Due to the intense work we do with each participant the Parole Board will gain amazing in-depth information from comprehensive Personal Balanced Profiles (PBP) of the offenders and detailed reporting of all processing. They will furthermore be able to use the assistance of the Responsibility Coach™ Student Team inside prison, both with regards to assessments and coaching sessions of offenders seeking parole.
Some very exciting doors are opening for us!