By Welcome Dennis Witbooi (Responsibility Coach™ Student)If anyone had asked me a few years ago what I thought about the meaning of responsibility, I would probably have said “No comment”. However, today, being part and member of the responsible individual process, I have so much to share. Like anyone I know, my life too has been plagued by many disappointments and long series of interwoven processes. My journey has not been without difficulty, whether it being personally, spiritually or even emotionally, but it was through these experiences that I am now able to learn, let go, and to overcome my fears. As a responsible individual I am free to form loving relationships, inspire change and continue to discover and learn of myself.
For many years I was trapped in the system of believing that I was incapable of loving. It took me a long time to realize that I was able to love, and to be loved in return, but this realization would not have been possible if I had not made the choice to be part of this process – The Responsible Individual...
The process is difficult at times, and there were many occasions when I personally and emotionally felt like running away, and I almost did. I did not want to dealt with or acknowledge my past experiences and neither did I want to acknowledge the people involved in my life as gifts. With support and guidance I was allowed to express how I felt, even thought it was hurting. My tears were instrumental in the reconstruction of my self-identity and provided me with the opportunity to heal.
The experience of meeting myself face to face, and dealing with the various degrees of my personality, disabling defence mechanisms and making space for self actualization and learning. This has added value to my journey. Instead of surviving, I am living, loving and learning.
What makes the process so special?Inside prison it forms part of the Offender Rehabilitation Path and identifies, deals and addresses the factors concerning offender development. This process allows offenders the opportunity to fully participate in their own responsible and rehabilitation process. Participants are responsible for their own processing, and are gently guided to find their own answers. This process compliments the vision of the Department of Correctional Services by promoting offender development in the following areas: personal, spiritual, psychological, educational and also guides in community and family re-integration.
In my almost three years participation and involvement in this process I have developed an understanding and learning. I have also in this time formulated great friendships and family ties. I have achieved a lot of growth spiritually, educationally and personally.
I am currently training as a Responsibility Coach™ and believe me there are moment when I doubt whether I am able to guide others – but with continued guidance I am learning as I walk my journey of Responsibility...
Welcome Dennis Witbooi 200160311
Worcester Correctional Centre 21.06.2010