Vulnerability is my Strength

A stunning and touching day in Prison with our team of SmilingOne Coaches n Students - inmates in Brandvlei Maximum and Worcester Medium Prisons.

They gifted me with the most beautiful letters...

A stunning painting...

AND another life-changing session. Our theme today in both Brandvlei Max and Worcester Medium: Vulnerability and how it can be turned into our greatest Strength!


My Heart Knows

used to be what I feared the most
used to be what I could not face
used to be what I called weak


I was trying to be somebody else
trying to hide behind masks
covering up the scars
of my past


What I did not know
What I did not understand

That beyond fear lies love
Beyond weakness lies strength
Beyond separateness lies wholeness


I chose to risk to be guided
by what I feared the most
Standing naked
Not knowing

I felt like

I suddenly realized


WOW.... what a Day! I feel so RICH!!! I am in AWE of the process and all of these beautiful souls who have 'taken the risk' to change and now are walking truly remarkable paths of responsible living. And yes, it does seem like risk when all you know is crime, when you are feeling hurt and alone. They are today inspiring change inside prison - simply by attending to their own healing, by walking their talk and leading by their own living example!


In Gratitude

Young Men building a brighter future for themselves

I am in AWE and deeply touched after a STUNNING Certificate Ceremony at the Youth Correctional Centre in Brandvlei today. The Juvenile Participants showcased a REMARKABLE understanding of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.... both through authentic testimonies and a drama using elements of their strengthened toolboxes!

The seed was planted three years ago in Brandvlei Maximum Prison. From the first initial group of 14 inmates - 5 decided to pursue the Responsibility Coach Education. They took hundreds of clients through the process and 10 of their clients decided beginning of 2010 to become coach students as well; Franklin was one of them. After he transferred to Medium in July 2010 and got involved in the BASIC RADIO project at the Youth Correctional Centre he committed himself to take the Juveniles (all learning about Radio Broadcasting as well) through the journey of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. September they started their first Circles of Sharing... TODAY 7 of them graduated PART 1 and the class will in January continue with PART 2 of the course.

Our initiative in the Brandvlei Youth Correctional Centre, in Brandvlei Maximum and also in the Worcester Male Prison is supported and sponsored by SHOUT (financial support for facilitation/eduation of our coach student team, and fuel cost) and THORP MOTOR GROUP (ensuring that we can drive to the prisons - they have availed a Chrevrolet SPARK)

I would also like to thank AD for sponsoring food at our event today, Pearl for the yummy cake, our SmilingOne Programme Coordinators Ridwaan and JP, Brandvlei Management and all who so lovingly support us!

I am deeply grateful for all the helping hands that makes the SmilingOne Initiative a stunning success!

Strong Partnerships in Rehabilitation

November 23rd and 24th we attended a two days truly remarkable dialogue in a regional meeting with the 11 DCS management areas in the Western Cape, lead by Regional Head of Development and Care Ms Kokong.

We arrived at the Drakenstein Prison where we were invited to present the impact that we as SmilingOne (with our programme/process THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL) have had the past three years within DCS.

The impact was evident as we arrived that morning. An inmate was busy polishing the statue of Madiba at the entrance to the prison. After we took the photo (above) he asked me: 'Are you Karine?' He repeated his question. I replied and he then continued: 'I was in Goodwood Prison. I got the book. I have it with me.' What a stunning welcome to a prison where we have not yet been with the process - well at least not officially. This man has however brought it with him. Because it meant something special to him.

As we made the presentation that morning on the 23rd to the 11 management areas we highlighted this special meeting at our arrival. And even if our statistics show that we had 104 Graduates and 20 Coaches/Students within our programme the past few years there are several hundreds inmates who have benefitted. Yes, they may not have 'graduated' due to certain circumstances - like this inmate who was transferred to Drakenstein. Each one is still a huge success. Each one with a very special journey. One never knows what a single moment, a few weeks or months can do in a persons life. This inmate was a wonderful testimony of exactly this.

Over the two days we heard quite a few presentation from other stakeholders / service providers who operate within DCS in one or more of the management areas. It was fruitful to learn about their approaches, their achievements and also their challenges. Each challenge is an opportunity for learning and growth.

We were in awe of the dialogue that DCS invited us into. There was a genuine interest to learn from all of us and to renew the vows of the partnerships in rehabilitation, walking in unity as we build a safe and healthy South Africa.

We feel truly proud that we as SmilingOne walk in partnership with DCS. We have the through those two days strengthened this partnership, we have build bridges and connected with wonderful people within the department. We enjoyed the openness, the willingness to learn and grow and the re-commitment from everyone's side.

Also a special thanks goes to Ms Kokong. SmilingOne will now go through the Regional Clearance to expand beyond the four prisons where we are currently active (Brandvlei Maximum Prison, Brandvlei Juvenile, Goodwood Medium and our latest is Worcester Medium - just got the green light).

And a special thanks to Mr. Freddie Engelbrecht - deputy regional commissioner (picture).

We look forward to keep everyone posted on the journey as we continue living our passion in SmilingOne - sharing SMILES and touching HEARTS ; ) We are soon starting our fourth year in the partnership with DCS. It is a privilege!

In Gratitude

Karina Andersen
Founder & Trustee
The SmilingOne Foundation

CERTIFICATE CEREMONY in Brandvlei Maximum Prison

October 6th 2010

LOVING ACTION for our beautiful country South Africa.

The SmilingOne Foundation, our strong team of Responsibility Coaches, Students and their clients, Prison Management & Officials, SmilingOne Founder Karina Andersen and guests Vaughan McGee (SmilingOne Re-integration), Nicole Wagner and Nadia Lubowski were celebrating journeys of change and responsible living within Brandvlei Maximum Prison.

THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL has been facilitated since January 2008 within the prison. 4 fully qualified coaches, 10 coach students and a handful of clients (hundreds) have come out of this process so far (and activated the process in another 3 prisons due to transfers)... and we are still going strong : )

If you doubt that change is possible... you gotta experience this process. It will take you BEYOND...

THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL™ - My journey thus far...

By Welcome Dennis Witbooi (Responsibility Coach™ Student)

If anyone had asked me a few years ago what I thought about the meaning of responsibility, I would probably have said “No comment”. However, today, being part and member of the responsible individual process, I have so much to share. Like anyone I know, my life too has been plagued by many disappointments and long series of interwoven processes. My journey has not been without difficulty, whether it being personally, spiritually or even emotionally, but it was through these experiences that I am now able to learn, let go, and to overcome my fears. As a responsible individual I am free to form loving relationships, inspire change and continue to discover and learn of myself.

For many years I was trapped in the system of believing that I was incapable of loving. It took me a long time to realize that I was able to love, and to be loved in return, but this realization would not have been possible if I had not made the choice to be part of this process – The Responsible Individual...

The process is difficult at times, and there were many occasions when I personally and emotionally felt like running away, and I almost did. I did not want to dealt with or acknowledge my past experiences and neither did I want to acknowledge the people involved in my life as gifts. With support and guidance I was allowed to express how I felt, even thought it was hurting. My tears were instrumental in the reconstruction of my self-identity and provided me with the opportunity to heal.
The experience of meeting myself face to face, and dealing with the various degrees of my personality, disabling defence mechanisms and making space for self actualization and learning. This has added value to my journey. Instead of surviving, I am living, loving and learning.

What makes the process so special?
Inside prison it forms part of the Offender Rehabilitation Path and identifies, deals and addresses the factors concerning offender development. This process allows offenders the opportunity to fully participate in their own responsible and rehabilitation process. Participants are responsible for their own processing, and are gently guided to find their own answers. This process compliments the vision of the Department of Correctional Services by promoting offender development in the following areas: personal, spiritual, psychological, educational and also guides in community and family re-integration.

In my almost three years participation and involvement in this process I have developed an understanding and learning. I have also in this time formulated great friendships and family ties. I have achieved a lot of growth spiritually, educationally and personally.

I am currently training as a Responsibility Coach™ and believe me there are moment when I doubt whether I am able to guide others – but with continued guidance I am learning as I walk my journey of Responsibility...

Welcome Dennis Witbooi 200160311
Worcester Correctional Centre 21.06.2010

Members Manual for 'Activation of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL in a correctional institution'

It has been another exciting month with four active prison programmes and our newest exciting challenge with creating a manual of guidelines for DCS members, who will be assigned to THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL inside prison as SmilingOne Programme Coordinators.

We have four Wednesdays in a row been brainstorming the ingredients hand in hand with the two newly assigned SmilingOne Programme Coordinators in Worcester Men's Prison and the Coach/Student team that was recently transferred to the Medium Correctional Facility.

The most exciting thing about this is that will assist to build a platform where inmates and DCS members work hand in hand, heart by heart and making a difference TOGETHER!

Change happens on many different levels. It begins with the individual embracing his/her responsibility. It is important with opportunities and channels to practice the change... to be given a chance to bring 'theory' into experience... this is how we learn to walk our talk. This members manual of guidelines is a step in that direction!

We have handed the manual in to DCS and will now add it to all Coach/Student Manuals. We are futhermore now seeking Regional Clearance to roll-out THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL regionally.

Opening of Group of Hope in Worcester Prison

Today I spend an inspiring day at Worcester Prison where the Group of Hope (GOH) had their opening ceremony, celebrating a woman's day event. If you know a bit about our history with GOH you will know that it was the group we initially started with in beginning of 2008 as we brought THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL to Brandvlei Maximum Prison. GOH focuses on skills development programmes which is an essential ingredient in activating A CIRCLE OF CHANGE. I feel very privileged to be adding THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL, another essential ingredient, as well as the Responsibility Coach Education to the process in Worcester Prison.

It was remarkable to see the SmilingOne Responsibility Coaches, whom we have worked with the past 2.5 years in Brandvlei, leading the newly started GOH in Worcester, all shining so brightly.

Worcester Prison has now allocated two members to supervise and assist THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL as part of the GOH activities. We are currently awaiting funding for this project - this will enable me to go on a bi-weekly basis to the prison. Our first task will be to create a members manual and then to roll out the process using the coaches and students (inmates) to facilitate the process to fellow inmates. The process is essential in building GOH as it serves as a wonderful empowerment tool.

Update will follow shortly...


Chris was released October 2009 after 10 years in prison. With him we took THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL to his community in Gugulethu. Chris is also in coach training. He is today in job with DreamWorkers (friends of the SmilingOne Family), he assists facilitation of the Youth Programme we run in Nyanga, he coaches a family in Kayelitsha and lives each day from his heart - truly walking change!

Thabo was released in April 2010 after more than 10 years in prison. Thabo assists both the community and SmilingOne tremendously in Nyanga. He connected us with the Nyanga Arts Development Programme where we today are running Youth Programmes hand in hand with the centre - in a circle of change. Thabo is committed to himself and change AND is a GREAT inspiration to those around him!

Farouk was released in May 2010 after 3 years in prison. He is in coach training and has such a passion for community and youth development. Each day he walks the journey by his heart - deepening himself. I don't think I have ever met someone as grateful as him. He gives thanks to all around him and expresses openly and freely. He has taken the lead on our Youth Programme in Nyanga and is growing amazingly with the programme.

Vaughan was released in May 2010 after 15 years in prison (on/off) and is doing his community service with us at SmilingOne - every Saturday attending and assisting the Youth Programme in Nyanga. It is such a privilege to have Vaughan join us. He is rather new in the programme - embracing it with all of him and I come to see how valuable it is to have these support groups in place. The journey is not an easy one - however - when we walk it hand in hand we are SO much stronger!!!

Sharing by Sihle Tshabalala

Responsibility Coach Student
B6 Unit
Worcester Male Prison

If you could have asked me about what I have written here three years ago, I wouldn’t have had answers for you; but today I can and it was made possible by the concept of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.

With the concept I have learned the beauty of creating me and discovering my being in full flood. I choose because I want to, not because of pleasing and surviving. My heart (how I feel) is the basis or foundation that I operate from. The intellectual pursuit deceived me from seeing, learning, understanding and growing from my challenges – therefore I realized that knowledge alone is not enough. It is imperative that I add/listen to be whole or one with my emotions. In that way I am liberated to be me/who I am.

As I have said, none of this would have made sense three years ago because i would not have known that there is a ‘higher’ way of being, that I am in control, that I have a choice, that I can live mindful and consciously aware of my life, that I am content with myself and accept wholeheartedly, that I am special and unique, that I can change and most importantly that I can inspire others as well.
  • I look not only around me but deep into my soul.
  • I see not only the chaos in life but the orchestra of live.
  • I speak not only the languages of tongue but that of my heart.
  • I feel not only what I sense but sense what I feel
  • I touch not only with my hand but with the fingers of my soul.
  • I listen not only to the sound that surrounds me but to the beat that beats from within.
  • I hear not only the noise of the world; but the voice of the universe.
Every step, every journey, every experience is purposeful and everything is possible when I trust and believe in myself.


Sharing by Andrew Aloni

Responsibility Coach Student
B6 Unit
Worcester Male Prison

Before THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL process I was lost. I did not know where to start from to rebuild my life. I was in a state of confusion, even though I was attending programmes I did not feel any different. It was all in rush for a quick fix – all externally.

Through this process I have come to discover who I am without being told who I am. This is the great thing about this course, it deals right with my inner being. Being told how to live means to live up to someone’s expectations, which is impossible. Self Discovery means to live by my values, willingly, and not doing it for the sake of pleasing the parole board but for the sake of love and personal growth which I am gaining through this process.

I am glad that I will be able to continue with the process right here in Worcester Men’s Prison because the process is one of the greatest inspirations that I have ever witnessed to assist me in the process of detaching from any old behavioural patterns and allowing complete change in my life.

I am enjoying to live my life based on my values instead of the environment I find myself in and the usual pointing of fingers (blaming) which is just another way of denial.

Thank you

Sharing by Luyanda Mboniswa

Responsibility Coach
B6 Unit
Worcester Male Prison

Firstly I think it is fair to say thank you very much to the SmilingOne Team for introducing this wonderful concept of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL to me and the rest of the guys in prison. And of course I should thank myself for making my life a priority, because through this program I have finally gained my true identity and I embrace it with much love and confidence.

It is almost 2 years and 6 months that I have been part of this process. My life, my journey, has changed a lot to the better of myself and others. To realize that one has values, key roles and a mission in life is one of my great achievements in this process. I came to understand that they are there to be embraced and lived by. I am happy about the true identity of who I am, it makes me understand myself better than before. I am willing to also face challenges that I come across in life and see them as opportunities, assisting me to grow. I appreciate challenges as mentors in my life.
Furthermore being a Responsibility Coach™ - helping and guiding other fellow individuals has also helped me to grow as an individual. What I do, say and think is that of a Responsible Individual – constantly bringing awareness to the fore.

To receive a platform which is being offered by this process is a major mile stone for me, to talk about my past and deal with areas that were a taboo in life is a great achievement in my journey. And in this current place (Worcester Men Prison) there are a lot of emotions which individuals are avoiding to deal with and masks which we are so used to wearing.

THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL process has played a major role in encouraging and availing the platform for us to deal with these aspects in a more positive and mindful way. I am thankful for the process because I have found meaning in my life. I am aware of my re-active patterns and I exercise the powerful tool of CHOICE that I have in life! How I approach life IS a choice and also what I do and how I feel. So I am grateful to be part of this process. What matters the most now is that I embrace myself with love and trust as these are my values that I live by.

In terms of personal development and growth, which I personally am gaining in this programme, is so amazing for others as well. I would appreciate very much to see this process being implemented in all our correctional institutions as it is what we need in our lives!

With much love and gratitude


Farouk is one of our Responsibility Coach Students. He is exploring guidance and deepening himself in this through having his own group of test-clients in our Thursday Circle of Sharing:

A part of his quarterly feedback report:

Each session was a gentle introduction of the concept, which allowed me the opportunity to learn about the current understanding and challenges of each test client. I began each session with an outline of what the concept of responsible rehabilitation entails. Then, I introduced the manual The Responsible Individual. I also explained to the test client (s) how the manual could be made to come alive by owning and personalizing the learnings therein...


During the past quarter I have come to learn that each test cilent is unique in his own way.

Two, that they are my mirror and my gift. I always see a reflection of my impatience through them. They always provide me the gift of being patient!

Three, in introducing the concept to them I am always reminded that I am not there to teach but to gently guide them with an understanding that I am also there to learn.

Four, that I can sustain sufficient energy just by listening and observing.


Farouk has been part of the programme the past 18 months and is walking his talk, living change and responsibility. He will be released in May and will join us in crime prevention and management outside prison.

REPORT MARCH2010 - Brandvlei Maximum Prison

SmilingOne Responsibility Coach Team
Brandvlei Maximum, Unit 1
APRIL 2010

Attention: The Head of C.C.Corrections

Letter of Aprreciation and Transparency


The above mentioned team of Responsibility Coaches hereby with gratitude and excitement would like to share the wonderful proceedings of the Responsible Individual Programme on the month of March 2010.

Days / Notes:
  • Mon 01: No sesison - Mr. April was off sick
  • Tues 02: No session - Mr. April was off sick
  • Fri 05: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Sat 06: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Sun 07: Study Group - successful day
  • Tues 09: the day was a success (2nd part of programme)
  • Wed 10: the day was a success (2nd part of programme)
  • Thur 11: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Mon 15: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Tues 16: No session. Mr. April left early
  • Fri 19: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Sat 20: No sessions. Sport
  • Sun 21: Study Group. Successful day
  • Tues 23: the day was a success (2nd part of programme)
  • Wed 24: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Thur 25: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Mon 29: the day was a success (1st Tpart of programme)
  • Tues 30: No session. Mr. April left early

This month has been a smooth sailing due to the support and commitment of the clients, Mr. M. April (case officer), Unit 1's management as well as YOU, The Management. This cooperation indicates the high interest in investing on the personal growth of each individual (inmate) and in doing so bringing Responsible Rehabilitation (RR) to life.

It is like Anatole France puts it "To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan but also believe"

Here we are making a great progress in accomplishing a dream we as SmilingOne believed in... and you as Brandvlei Maximum Management and Staff not only acted on your plans but believed in our dream too! Thank You!

We are looking forward to yet another successful month of responsibility. May the 'blessings & light' be with you in all you do.

Mthunzi Skoji
Alfred Jacobs
Sibabalo Sotyato
Luaynda Mboniswa

REPORT FEB2010 - Brandvlei Maximum Prison

SmilingOne Responsibility Coach Team
Brandvlei Maximum, Unit 1
March 2010

Attention: The Head of C.C.Corrections

Letter of Aprreciation and Transparency


The above mentioned team of Responsibility Coaches hereby with gratitude would like to share the proceedings of the Responsible Individual Programme on the month of February 2010.

Days / Notes:
  • Tues 9... the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Wed 10...the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Thur 11... the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Mon 15... no sessions / Mr. April was busy with TRC
  • Tues 16... no sesisons / locked early due to escape of inmate
  • Fri 19... the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Sat 20... successful day, Mr. April sacrificed his lunch to accommodate us
  • Sun 21... the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Tues 23... no sessions / lack of members
  • Wed 24... the day was a success (2nd part of programme)
  • Thur 25... the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)

Your support and commitment in making sure that this process is successfully running in Unit 1 is highly appreciated. Also would like to acknowledge the cooperation of Mr. M April as well as the Unit 1 Supervisors.

This month (February 2010) has been inspired by words of Eleanor Roosevelt "One's philosophy is not best in words; it is expressed in the choices one make. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die, and, the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility".

We are looking forward to yet another successful month of responsibility. May the 'blessings & light' be with you in all you do.

Yours in Rehabilitation
Mthunzi Skoji
Alfred Jacobs
Sibabalo Sotyato
Luaynda Mboniswa

UPDATE: 2nd Term 2010 in Responsible Rehabilitation - ACTION for a safer South Africa!

What a grand beginning to a new term in RESPONSIBLE REHABILITATION. After two weeks of holiday it was wonderful to be back in our Circles of Sharing... here a few windows to what is going to happen this term:


I received a phone call from Andrew Aloni this week. Andrew transferred to Worcester (from Brandvlei) a few weeks ago. He has the past year been guided through the process by Maka. He received his PART1 certificate in December 2009 and began PART2. He has also started the Responsibility Coach Education. He is eager to begin with test clients (fellow inmates) in Worcester and has already spoken to management in Worcester. AMAZING how this process just takes itself to where it is needed. WOW!!! Andrew will be starting his first test client and I am finding a way how we can support him the best way possible - not being physically present at Worcester yet (we will once we have sponsors onboard / funding for the process). There is a possibility that Luyanda (qualified coach) will transfer from Brandvlei to Worcester as well.

There is so much learning for all involved in this process. It is so similar to the growth of a tree. We have planted the seed, watered it and nurtured it with love and gentleness. We can however not control the growth of it, how it will look and the amount of fruits it will bear... what we can do is TRUST that this already is the most beautiful tree... a stunning process... totally unique!


May 5th we will have our first certificate ceremony of the year - a day of celebration. First time ever within SA prisons will offenders receive dimplomas as fully qualified Responsibility Coaches. They ROCK!!! They have prepared our new 10-man strong coach student team in Brandvlei and this year they will guide a few hundres of their fellow inmates through the process.

We are inviting DCS Area Commissioner, Head of Parole Board, Head of Social Workers, Brandvlei Maximum Management, Media...

For the Brandvlei Process we need sponsors for 10 coach manuals (either money donation or donation of HP cartridges and files. Paper was kindly donated by Michael Norwitz (ABC Print)). We are also looking for support of our event through donation of snacks for 150 inmates on that day. AND we are looking for sponsorships of track suits for the qualified coaches (with SmilingOne print and Responsibility Coach Team)


We are also here preparing our first certificate ceremony of the year. Update will follow soon!

AND we are preparing the release of some of our process participants:

  • Thabo was released Friday and will slot into our support group in Guguletu
  • Isaac will be released end of April and will slot into our support group in Guguletu
  • Farouk (coach student) will be released in May. He will work closely with the SmilingOne Team in all community building processes.
  • Welcome (coach student) will be released within the next 3 months. He will be working closely with the SmilingOne Team and begin THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL process within SA schools.

We aim to start further coach students in Goodwood through this term. Any process participant can after having completed PART1 of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL (and being in the process of PART2) apply to become part of the guidance team.


When I look at my fellow human beings - regardless of the journey they have walked - I see beautiful souls on journeys of exploration and learning. This is the potential we (SmilingOne) tap into. There are many opinions about SA prisoners based upon crime in our beautiful country and the fear we carry within. I understand this very well. I deal with crime daily - it is also affecting my life. It has however never robbed my heart! It has only strengthened me in walking a path of LOVE!

Our process participants from RESPONSIBLE REHABILITATION within prisons will be able to reach so many more people (children, youth, families, schools...) in diverse communities due to their own journeys, their experiences and their unique toolboxes of life. We cannot change the choices of the past. We can learn from them and use them as valuable ingredients in inspiring change and responsible living.


Andrew Aloni - new Responsibility Coach Student


What motivates me is the fact that my journey of responsibility is one of great inspiration that I have ever had. I know that rewards come in various ways. The more I give... the more I learn, grow and gain.

It is not just about what I have become through the process; but what everyone can become. I feel so great about myself and have great compassion for others. It is this reason that I feel that if I am so greatly inspired about myself, then it is time for me to make a difference to others. I believe that I have the gift and ability to inspire others and make them feel great too!

I believe in being caring, sympathetic, supportive, compassionate and allowing of others to be themselves, and I greatly love giving guidance. I am a natural performer and from my own experience and observation I know and understand that people are searching for the answers externally, without knowing that answers are within.

With all due respect I thank you. I am (greatly) deeply grateful.

Responsible Individual Student


I am Farouk A. e. Uhleme, a Responsibility Coach™ Student in Goodwood Prison

Over a period now, an awesome consciousness is finding its way into the sphere of my life; a new awareness that I can only describe as transcendent, spiritual and self-finding, a consciousness that allows me to view my life as it unravels in the most meaningful way.

This consciousness, and the possibility of me being aware of it, can only be attributed to what value there is in the act of observing – being still and watching everything just come and go, emerging from the source and returning to the source which according to Tao te ching is the way of nature.

It begins with perceiving the way my life is moving forward, observing with amazement those happenings that I attract daily to my life, bringing forth individuals that seem to be sending my life to a new and meaningful direction. Perhaps more than ever before, I am beginning to intuit a higher meaning to the purpose of my being in this beautiful universe I call home.

A higher meaning because by being still, listening more and talking less, I am able to find value from the mere dance of the flowers in the garden, gyrating to the rhythm of the gently breeze and I am able to appreciate the mewing of the cat who is showing gratitude for food and love provided by the divine hands that fill all void.

Through the sheer act of observing - of being still and being at peace with my soul, of dwelling in the solitude of my heart, of paying attention to my surroundings and happenings that are enchanting; of understanding that words then become the gateway to my soul, allowing me to access messages that dwells within – I am able to understand that some of the most alluring statements are made without words and some of the lasting impressions are made from being still.


This year we are taking RESPONSIBLE REHABILITATION beyond... I am in AWE of the processing that we are experiencing within the prisons, with the inmates involved, the commitment to self discovery and development and with the team of Responsibility Coaches that we are educating inside the prisons. When I say ‘educating’ it becomes so much more than what we normally understand by offering a coach education. These beautiful souls have taught us so much in the process. Through their journeys we have learned so much more and added ingredients to the educational path. We are always aware of that we are not teachers – we are students and explorers and we learn alongside each other!


In Brandvlei we have 5 Responsibility Coach Students in action (of which 1, Sihle, has been ill with MDR TB since December last year and therefore not able to be actively involved in Guidance – he is in recovery!). In December 2009 the Coach Team (Luyanda, Thando, Maka & Alfred) rewarded 22 of their clients with a certificate of attendance for PART 1 of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.

Last year we did experience quite a few challenges when it came to the Coach Team meeting with their clients. In a maximum security institution there are many restrictions and it has been a great learning curve for us as well as for Brandvlei Prison to accommodate the coaches and their clients. It is a process that truly enriches all involved, from management, staff to offenders. This process asks of all to work hand in hand.

Beginning of 2010 (our third year in Brandvlei) management urged their members to do their utmost to assist SmilingOne. This year quite a few of our Coach Students will be transferred to Medium prisons around the country (taking the process with them). Luyanda and Sihle are off to Worcester Medium and Maka off to Eastern Cape. Our focus in Brandvlei is to make sure that we have a new team ready to continue the path of guidance and responsible rehabilitation inside the maximum prison...

And we have!!!! I am SO proud of the guys. They have been the first coach team to prepare a group of new coach students – all by themselves. End of March we have 9 new Coach Students beginning the educational path within the Brandvlei Maximum Institution. They are:

  • Ricardo Pietersen (coached by Alfred)
  • Bradley Hess (coached by Alfred)
  • Franklin Esau (coached by Thando)
  • Lumkile Sohole (coached by Thando)
  • Brian Anane (coached by Luyanda)
  • Mlandelli Pikiso (coached by Luyanda)
  • Andrew Aloni (coached by Maka) – Andrew leaves for Worcester Medium this week
  • Johannes Andrews (coached by Maka)
  • Thabiso Mahilihili (coached by Maka)

Beginning of May we will have our next certificate ceremony in Brandvlei. Alfred, Maka, Luyanda and Thando will be qualified as Responsibility Coaches and many of their clients will receive certificates for both PART 1 and PART 2 of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.



We are now in our second year at Goodwood Prison and the process has grown amazingly. There has been lots of learning from the first year here. Each prison is different and we are offered the opportunity to grow as individuals and as guides – being even more patient, loving and gentle in all we do. It is not just about facilitating a process to a certain group of offenders. It is truly about walking your talk no matter where you are! BEING LOVE will INSPIRE LOVE. Our presence in the prison touches every person we come across! What a gift!!!

Our Thursdays Circles of Sharing:

9-12: ~20 inmates guided by 4 coaches/students (Karina, Meeghan, Welcome & Farouk)
12-13: coach/student sessions (Karina, Meeghan, Welcome & Farouk)
13-14: ABET – we have had 50 new guys starting in February. We know from experience that the groups will settle in after a few weeks and we’ll probably have around 30 guys committed to the process. Karina, Meeghan and Welcome each guide a group. Farouk is observing.

End of April we will have our first certificate ceremony of the year where we will be rewarding inmates with certificates of both PART 1 and PART 2 of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.

Farouk will be released in May and join our team on the outside of prison.
Welcome has a date with the parole board in March and will be released during 2010.

Our objective for 2010 is to continue to inspire change and responsible living and prepare another group of responsibility coach students who will assist us in guiding inmates on this wondrous journey of making themselves a priority! Louis Boys will be starting shortly and a few more candidates are showing interest.


Responsible Rehabilitation is starting at Worcester Prison. Andrew Aloni – a new member of our Responsibility Coach Student Team is being transferred this week. Luyanda – soon to be qualified Responsibility Coach and Sihle will also transfer here shortly. Our aim is to be able to be present every second week at this prison to assist the team. This will be possible once funding is there!

Brandvlei Prison has 9 new coach students that are asking for attention. Our aim is to continue to be at Brandvlei every second Wednesday to support and guide the team that will guide their fellow inmates through the process of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.

Maka – soon to be qualified Responsibility Coach - is up for Medium shortly and will be transferred to Eastern Cape. I am in direct talk with parliament Eastern Cape. They have shown great interest in the process and would love us to work hand in hand to implement Responsible Rehabilitation in Eastern Cape prisons. Maka will be our first move. Funding from government will open the door for us to begin to educate a teams in Eastern Cape that can guide the process inside/outside prisons. More about this soon!

Goodwood continues

Pollsmoor has been on our list for quite a while. Here we will have an opportunity to work with female offenders. The prison has shown great interest. All we are waiting for is funding!

Expansion: from 2 to 5 prisons in 2010


With quite a few guys coming out of prison in 2010 – all having been part of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL – we want to continue to support and guide these guys. We find it essential that there are support groups and a network that can assist reintegration into society. We already have started the process with Chris Plum (ex offender) in Guguletu – guided by Sarah Hewland - and more support groups (circles of sharing) will grow from here. We are mindful of allowing the process to unfold in a natural way – not us controlling it; but the process taking us ; )

Our aim is to build a SmilingOne Village within the next years – which will also assist ex offenders with their reintegration. This will be a community, a learning and rehabilitation centre, a village, a farm, where everyone contributes to the wholeness aspect and running of the village. The SmilingOne Village is still on the sketch board, however very real! Again, we will allow it to shape by itself. First step is to attract funding into our foundation and from there land and housing will come for this project!


After more than two and a half years of having funded most of the programmes myself - through giving of my time and most importantly of my heart - THE SMILING ONE FOUNDATION has been founded and the aim is to invite in helping hands, funding, that can assist us at SmilingOne on the journey of inspiring change and unlocking potential through our ONE SOCIETY People & Community Development Programmes... such as THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. 2010 is a year of great expansion and with the help from you we can achieve beyond!!! Help us help others dear friends.

First National Bank
The SmilingOne Foundation
Branch: 200409
Account: 62259253898

Karina Andersen
Xhanti Lamani
Sarah Hewland
Meeghan Norwith

I would like to thank our first monthly contribution from Dave Thorpe. Thank you for your kindness and love.

We are grateful for anything you, dear friends, can donate. Once off or a monthly EFT.




Franklin is a client of Thando - one of our Responsibility Coach Students within the Maximum Correctional Centre. Franklin received his first certificate in December 2009 (Part 1) and is now embracing the next step of the journey of 'THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL' - Implementation & Building Awareness (Part 2)

Dear Reader

My name is Franklin Esau, an ambitious young leader and an optimistic follower. And this is my motivational letter before tackling the next step of the 'Responsible Individual' journey - which I am glad to share with you.

This started off being a task that lead me to forget about sincerity of this journey. I am a student and I was more concerned about formalities than emotional responsiveness or motions. Guess it is a perfect comfort seeming that I went through life with most of my brains, than heart. And this assignment, like the rest of my 'responsible individual' journey, requires heart first of all.

Very few out-reach programmes have such a huge effect on you and by this one have the greatest impact. I became aware of my surroundings and others more than I have ever before. Going back to find the base of my behavioural patterns, reconciling my relationships with my family and a few friends. Many of these patterns needed understanding. In many were my family and friends the source. What I learned was that I dealt incompetent with my challenges that put me so many times on unstable ground. Where I have carried so many of my problems and bad experiences to the front, never resolving them.

Today I have tools that enables me to deal with life's challenges with skill, commitment and passion. And the next step can only broaden my horizon, making the possibilities more endless than before. I like where I am at since the time I have started my 'responsible individual' jounrey. I have never felt this good about anything that I have been a part of. And there is still much more to learn about me and that/those that surrounds me. So the next step is sensible.

What I do know now is that the matters before me and the matters behind, with that which surrounds me, are tiny matters compared to what is within me.

Yours Sincerely