Andrew Aloni - new Responsibility Coach Student


What motivates me is the fact that my journey of responsibility is one of great inspiration that I have ever had. I know that rewards come in various ways. The more I give... the more I learn, grow and gain.

It is not just about what I have become through the process; but what everyone can become. I feel so great about myself and have great compassion for others. It is this reason that I feel that if I am so greatly inspired about myself, then it is time for me to make a difference to others. I believe that I have the gift and ability to inspire others and make them feel great too!

I believe in being caring, sympathetic, supportive, compassionate and allowing of others to be themselves, and I greatly love giving guidance. I am a natural performer and from my own experience and observation I know and understand that people are searching for the answers externally, without knowing that answers are within.

With all due respect I thank you. I am (greatly) deeply grateful.

Responsible Individual Student


I am Farouk A. e. Uhleme, a Responsibility Coach™ Student in Goodwood Prison

Over a period now, an awesome consciousness is finding its way into the sphere of my life; a new awareness that I can only describe as transcendent, spiritual and self-finding, a consciousness that allows me to view my life as it unravels in the most meaningful way.

This consciousness, and the possibility of me being aware of it, can only be attributed to what value there is in the act of observing – being still and watching everything just come and go, emerging from the source and returning to the source which according to Tao te ching is the way of nature.

It begins with perceiving the way my life is moving forward, observing with amazement those happenings that I attract daily to my life, bringing forth individuals that seem to be sending my life to a new and meaningful direction. Perhaps more than ever before, I am beginning to intuit a higher meaning to the purpose of my being in this beautiful universe I call home.

A higher meaning because by being still, listening more and talking less, I am able to find value from the mere dance of the flowers in the garden, gyrating to the rhythm of the gently breeze and I am able to appreciate the mewing of the cat who is showing gratitude for food and love provided by the divine hands that fill all void.

Through the sheer act of observing - of being still and being at peace with my soul, of dwelling in the solitude of my heart, of paying attention to my surroundings and happenings that are enchanting; of understanding that words then become the gateway to my soul, allowing me to access messages that dwells within – I am able to understand that some of the most alluring statements are made without words and some of the lasting impressions are made from being still.


This year we are taking RESPONSIBLE REHABILITATION beyond... I am in AWE of the processing that we are experiencing within the prisons, with the inmates involved, the commitment to self discovery and development and with the team of Responsibility Coaches that we are educating inside the prisons. When I say ‘educating’ it becomes so much more than what we normally understand by offering a coach education. These beautiful souls have taught us so much in the process. Through their journeys we have learned so much more and added ingredients to the educational path. We are always aware of that we are not teachers – we are students and explorers and we learn alongside each other!


In Brandvlei we have 5 Responsibility Coach Students in action (of which 1, Sihle, has been ill with MDR TB since December last year and therefore not able to be actively involved in Guidance – he is in recovery!). In December 2009 the Coach Team (Luyanda, Thando, Maka & Alfred) rewarded 22 of their clients with a certificate of attendance for PART 1 of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.

Last year we did experience quite a few challenges when it came to the Coach Team meeting with their clients. In a maximum security institution there are many restrictions and it has been a great learning curve for us as well as for Brandvlei Prison to accommodate the coaches and their clients. It is a process that truly enriches all involved, from management, staff to offenders. This process asks of all to work hand in hand.

Beginning of 2010 (our third year in Brandvlei) management urged their members to do their utmost to assist SmilingOne. This year quite a few of our Coach Students will be transferred to Medium prisons around the country (taking the process with them). Luyanda and Sihle are off to Worcester Medium and Maka off to Eastern Cape. Our focus in Brandvlei is to make sure that we have a new team ready to continue the path of guidance and responsible rehabilitation inside the maximum prison...

And we have!!!! I am SO proud of the guys. They have been the first coach team to prepare a group of new coach students – all by themselves. End of March we have 9 new Coach Students beginning the educational path within the Brandvlei Maximum Institution. They are:

  • Ricardo Pietersen (coached by Alfred)
  • Bradley Hess (coached by Alfred)
  • Franklin Esau (coached by Thando)
  • Lumkile Sohole (coached by Thando)
  • Brian Anane (coached by Luyanda)
  • Mlandelli Pikiso (coached by Luyanda)
  • Andrew Aloni (coached by Maka) – Andrew leaves for Worcester Medium this week
  • Johannes Andrews (coached by Maka)
  • Thabiso Mahilihili (coached by Maka)

Beginning of May we will have our next certificate ceremony in Brandvlei. Alfred, Maka, Luyanda and Thando will be qualified as Responsibility Coaches and many of their clients will receive certificates for both PART 1 and PART 2 of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.



We are now in our second year at Goodwood Prison and the process has grown amazingly. There has been lots of learning from the first year here. Each prison is different and we are offered the opportunity to grow as individuals and as guides – being even more patient, loving and gentle in all we do. It is not just about facilitating a process to a certain group of offenders. It is truly about walking your talk no matter where you are! BEING LOVE will INSPIRE LOVE. Our presence in the prison touches every person we come across! What a gift!!!

Our Thursdays Circles of Sharing:

9-12: ~20 inmates guided by 4 coaches/students (Karina, Meeghan, Welcome & Farouk)
12-13: coach/student sessions (Karina, Meeghan, Welcome & Farouk)
13-14: ABET – we have had 50 new guys starting in February. We know from experience that the groups will settle in after a few weeks and we’ll probably have around 30 guys committed to the process. Karina, Meeghan and Welcome each guide a group. Farouk is observing.

End of April we will have our first certificate ceremony of the year where we will be rewarding inmates with certificates of both PART 1 and PART 2 of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.

Farouk will be released in May and join our team on the outside of prison.
Welcome has a date with the parole board in March and will be released during 2010.

Our objective for 2010 is to continue to inspire change and responsible living and prepare another group of responsibility coach students who will assist us in guiding inmates on this wondrous journey of making themselves a priority! Louis Boys will be starting shortly and a few more candidates are showing interest.


Responsible Rehabilitation is starting at Worcester Prison. Andrew Aloni – a new member of our Responsibility Coach Student Team is being transferred this week. Luyanda – soon to be qualified Responsibility Coach and Sihle will also transfer here shortly. Our aim is to be able to be present every second week at this prison to assist the team. This will be possible once funding is there!

Brandvlei Prison has 9 new coach students that are asking for attention. Our aim is to continue to be at Brandvlei every second Wednesday to support and guide the team that will guide their fellow inmates through the process of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.

Maka – soon to be qualified Responsibility Coach - is up for Medium shortly and will be transferred to Eastern Cape. I am in direct talk with parliament Eastern Cape. They have shown great interest in the process and would love us to work hand in hand to implement Responsible Rehabilitation in Eastern Cape prisons. Maka will be our first move. Funding from government will open the door for us to begin to educate a teams in Eastern Cape that can guide the process inside/outside prisons. More about this soon!

Goodwood continues

Pollsmoor has been on our list for quite a while. Here we will have an opportunity to work with female offenders. The prison has shown great interest. All we are waiting for is funding!

Expansion: from 2 to 5 prisons in 2010


With quite a few guys coming out of prison in 2010 – all having been part of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL – we want to continue to support and guide these guys. We find it essential that there are support groups and a network that can assist reintegration into society. We already have started the process with Chris Plum (ex offender) in Guguletu – guided by Sarah Hewland - and more support groups (circles of sharing) will grow from here. We are mindful of allowing the process to unfold in a natural way – not us controlling it; but the process taking us ; )

Our aim is to build a SmilingOne Village within the next years – which will also assist ex offenders with their reintegration. This will be a community, a learning and rehabilitation centre, a village, a farm, where everyone contributes to the wholeness aspect and running of the village. The SmilingOne Village is still on the sketch board, however very real! Again, we will allow it to shape by itself. First step is to attract funding into our foundation and from there land and housing will come for this project!


After more than two and a half years of having funded most of the programmes myself - through giving of my time and most importantly of my heart - THE SMILING ONE FOUNDATION has been founded and the aim is to invite in helping hands, funding, that can assist us at SmilingOne on the journey of inspiring change and unlocking potential through our ONE SOCIETY People & Community Development Programmes... such as THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. 2010 is a year of great expansion and with the help from you we can achieve beyond!!! Help us help others dear friends.

First National Bank
The SmilingOne Foundation
Branch: 200409
Account: 62259253898

Karina Andersen
Xhanti Lamani
Sarah Hewland
Meeghan Norwith

I would like to thank our first monthly contribution from Dave Thorpe. Thank you for your kindness and love.

We are grateful for anything you, dear friends, can donate. Once off or a monthly EFT.

