A part of his quarterly feedback report:
Each session was a gentle introduction of the concept, which allowed me the opportunity to learn about the current understanding and challenges of each test client. I began each session with an outline of what the concept of responsible rehabilitation entails. Then, I introduced the manual The Responsible Individual. I also explained to the test client (s) how the manual could be made to come alive by owning and personalizing the learnings therein...
During the past quarter I have come to learn that each test cilent is unique in his own way.
Two, that they are my mirror and my gift. I always see a reflection of my impatience through them. They always provide me the gift of being patient!
Three, in introducing the concept to them I am always reminded that I am not there to teach but to gently guide them with an understanding that I am also there to learn.
Four, that I can sustain sufficient energy just by listening and observing.
Farouk has been part of the programme the past 18 months and is walking his talk, living change and responsibility. He will be released in May and will join us in crime prevention and management outside prison.