Farouk is one of our Responsibility Coach Students. He is exploring guidance and deepening himself in this through having his own group of test-clients in our Thursday Circle of Sharing:

A part of his quarterly feedback report:

Each session was a gentle introduction of the concept, which allowed me the opportunity to learn about the current understanding and challenges of each test client. I began each session with an outline of what the concept of responsible rehabilitation entails. Then, I introduced the manual The Responsible Individual. I also explained to the test client (s) how the manual could be made to come alive by owning and personalizing the learnings therein...


During the past quarter I have come to learn that each test cilent is unique in his own way.

Two, that they are my mirror and my gift. I always see a reflection of my impatience through them. They always provide me the gift of being patient!

Three, in introducing the concept to them I am always reminded that I am not there to teach but to gently guide them with an understanding that I am also there to learn.

Four, that I can sustain sufficient energy just by listening and observing.


Farouk has been part of the programme the past 18 months and is walking his talk, living change and responsibility. He will be released in May and will join us in crime prevention and management outside prison.

REPORT MARCH2010 - Brandvlei Maximum Prison

SmilingOne Responsibility Coach Team
Brandvlei Maximum, Unit 1
APRIL 2010

Attention: The Head of C.C.Corrections

Letter of Aprreciation and Transparency


The above mentioned team of Responsibility Coaches hereby with gratitude and excitement would like to share the wonderful proceedings of the Responsible Individual Programme on the month of March 2010.

Days / Notes:
  • Mon 01: No sesison - Mr. April was off sick
  • Tues 02: No session - Mr. April was off sick
  • Fri 05: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Sat 06: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Sun 07: Study Group - successful day
  • Tues 09: the day was a success (2nd part of programme)
  • Wed 10: the day was a success (2nd part of programme)
  • Thur 11: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Mon 15: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Tues 16: No session. Mr. April left early
  • Fri 19: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Sat 20: No sessions. Sport
  • Sun 21: Study Group. Successful day
  • Tues 23: the day was a success (2nd part of programme)
  • Wed 24: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Thur 25: the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Mon 29: the day was a success (1st Tpart of programme)
  • Tues 30: No session. Mr. April left early

This month has been a smooth sailing due to the support and commitment of the clients, Mr. M. April (case officer), Unit 1's management as well as YOU, The Management. This cooperation indicates the high interest in investing on the personal growth of each individual (inmate) and in doing so bringing Responsible Rehabilitation (RR) to life.

It is like Anatole France puts it "To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan but also believe"

Here we are making a great progress in accomplishing a dream we as SmilingOne believed in... and you as Brandvlei Maximum Management and Staff not only acted on your plans but believed in our dream too! Thank You!

We are looking forward to yet another successful month of responsibility. May the 'blessings & light' be with you in all you do.

Mthunzi Skoji
Alfred Jacobs
Sibabalo Sotyato
Luaynda Mboniswa

REPORT FEB2010 - Brandvlei Maximum Prison

SmilingOne Responsibility Coach Team
Brandvlei Maximum, Unit 1
March 2010

Attention: The Head of C.C.Corrections

Letter of Aprreciation and Transparency


The above mentioned team of Responsibility Coaches hereby with gratitude would like to share the proceedings of the Responsible Individual Programme on the month of February 2010.

Days / Notes:
  • Tues 9... the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Wed 10...the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Thur 11... the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Mon 15... no sessions / Mr. April was busy with TRC
  • Tues 16... no sesisons / locked early due to escape of inmate
  • Fri 19... the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Sat 20... successful day, Mr. April sacrificed his lunch to accommodate us
  • Sun 21... the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)
  • Tues 23... no sessions / lack of members
  • Wed 24... the day was a success (2nd part of programme)
  • Thur 25... the day was a success (1st + 2nd part of programme)

Your support and commitment in making sure that this process is successfully running in Unit 1 is highly appreciated. Also would like to acknowledge the cooperation of Mr. M April as well as the Unit 1 Supervisors.

This month (February 2010) has been inspired by words of Eleanor Roosevelt "One's philosophy is not best in words; it is expressed in the choices one make. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die, and, the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility".

We are looking forward to yet another successful month of responsibility. May the 'blessings & light' be with you in all you do.

Yours in Rehabilitation
Mthunzi Skoji
Alfred Jacobs
Sibabalo Sotyato
Luaynda Mboniswa

UPDATE: 2nd Term 2010 in Responsible Rehabilitation - ACTION for a safer South Africa!

What a grand beginning to a new term in RESPONSIBLE REHABILITATION. After two weeks of holiday it was wonderful to be back in our Circles of Sharing... here a few windows to what is going to happen this term:


I received a phone call from Andrew Aloni this week. Andrew transferred to Worcester (from Brandvlei) a few weeks ago. He has the past year been guided through the process by Maka. He received his PART1 certificate in December 2009 and began PART2. He has also started the Responsibility Coach Education. He is eager to begin with test clients (fellow inmates) in Worcester and has already spoken to management in Worcester. AMAZING how this process just takes itself to where it is needed. WOW!!! Andrew will be starting his first test client and I am finding a way how we can support him the best way possible - not being physically present at Worcester yet (we will once we have sponsors onboard / funding for the process). There is a possibility that Luyanda (qualified coach) will transfer from Brandvlei to Worcester as well.

There is so much learning for all involved in this process. It is so similar to the growth of a tree. We have planted the seed, watered it and nurtured it with love and gentleness. We can however not control the growth of it, how it will look and the amount of fruits it will bear... what we can do is TRUST that this already is the most beautiful tree... a stunning process... totally unique!


May 5th we will have our first certificate ceremony of the year - a day of celebration. First time ever within SA prisons will offenders receive dimplomas as fully qualified Responsibility Coaches. They ROCK!!! They have prepared our new 10-man strong coach student team in Brandvlei and this year they will guide a few hundres of their fellow inmates through the process.

We are inviting DCS Area Commissioner, Head of Parole Board, Head of Social Workers, Brandvlei Maximum Management, Media...

For the Brandvlei Process we need sponsors for 10 coach manuals (either money donation or donation of HP cartridges and files. Paper was kindly donated by Michael Norwitz (ABC Print)). We are also looking for support of our event through donation of snacks for 150 inmates on that day. AND we are looking for sponsorships of track suits for the qualified coaches (with SmilingOne print and Responsibility Coach Team)


We are also here preparing our first certificate ceremony of the year. Update will follow soon!

AND we are preparing the release of some of our process participants:

  • Thabo was released Friday and will slot into our support group in Guguletu
  • Isaac will be released end of April and will slot into our support group in Guguletu
  • Farouk (coach student) will be released in May. He will work closely with the SmilingOne Team in all community building processes.
  • Welcome (coach student) will be released within the next 3 months. He will be working closely with the SmilingOne Team and begin THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL process within SA schools.

We aim to start further coach students in Goodwood through this term. Any process participant can after having completed PART1 of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL (and being in the process of PART2) apply to become part of the guidance team.


When I look at my fellow human beings - regardless of the journey they have walked - I see beautiful souls on journeys of exploration and learning. This is the potential we (SmilingOne) tap into. There are many opinions about SA prisoners based upon crime in our beautiful country and the fear we carry within. I understand this very well. I deal with crime daily - it is also affecting my life. It has however never robbed my heart! It has only strengthened me in walking a path of LOVE!

Our process participants from RESPONSIBLE REHABILITATION within prisons will be able to reach so many more people (children, youth, families, schools...) in diverse communities due to their own journeys, their experiences and their unique toolboxes of life. We cannot change the choices of the past. We can learn from them and use them as valuable ingredients in inspiring change and responsible living.
