Vulnerability is my Strength

A stunning and touching day in Prison with our team of SmilingOne Coaches n Students - inmates in Brandvlei Maximum and Worcester Medium Prisons.

They gifted me with the most beautiful letters...

A stunning painting...

AND another life-changing session. Our theme today in both Brandvlei Max and Worcester Medium: Vulnerability and how it can be turned into our greatest Strength!


My Heart Knows

used to be what I feared the most
used to be what I could not face
used to be what I called weak


I was trying to be somebody else
trying to hide behind masks
covering up the scars
of my past


What I did not know
What I did not understand

That beyond fear lies love
Beyond weakness lies strength
Beyond separateness lies wholeness


I chose to risk to be guided
by what I feared the most
Standing naked
Not knowing

I felt like

I suddenly realized


WOW.... what a Day! I feel so RICH!!! I am in AWE of the process and all of these beautiful souls who have 'taken the risk' to change and now are walking truly remarkable paths of responsible living. And yes, it does seem like risk when all you know is crime, when you are feeling hurt and alone. They are today inspiring change inside prison - simply by attending to their own healing, by walking their talk and leading by their own living example!


In Gratitude

Young Men building a brighter future for themselves

I am in AWE and deeply touched after a STUNNING Certificate Ceremony at the Youth Correctional Centre in Brandvlei today. The Juvenile Participants showcased a REMARKABLE understanding of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.... both through authentic testimonies and a drama using elements of their strengthened toolboxes!

The seed was planted three years ago in Brandvlei Maximum Prison. From the first initial group of 14 inmates - 5 decided to pursue the Responsibility Coach Education. They took hundreds of clients through the process and 10 of their clients decided beginning of 2010 to become coach students as well; Franklin was one of them. After he transferred to Medium in July 2010 and got involved in the BASIC RADIO project at the Youth Correctional Centre he committed himself to take the Juveniles (all learning about Radio Broadcasting as well) through the journey of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. September they started their first Circles of Sharing... TODAY 7 of them graduated PART 1 and the class will in January continue with PART 2 of the course.

Our initiative in the Brandvlei Youth Correctional Centre, in Brandvlei Maximum and also in the Worcester Male Prison is supported and sponsored by SHOUT (financial support for facilitation/eduation of our coach student team, and fuel cost) and THORP MOTOR GROUP (ensuring that we can drive to the prisons - they have availed a Chrevrolet SPARK)

I would also like to thank AD for sponsoring food at our event today, Pearl for the yummy cake, our SmilingOne Programme Coordinators Ridwaan and JP, Brandvlei Management and all who so lovingly support us!

I am deeply grateful for all the helping hands that makes the SmilingOne Initiative a stunning success!

Strong Partnerships in Rehabilitation

November 23rd and 24th we attended a two days truly remarkable dialogue in a regional meeting with the 11 DCS management areas in the Western Cape, lead by Regional Head of Development and Care Ms Kokong.

We arrived at the Drakenstein Prison where we were invited to present the impact that we as SmilingOne (with our programme/process THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL) have had the past three years within DCS.

The impact was evident as we arrived that morning. An inmate was busy polishing the statue of Madiba at the entrance to the prison. After we took the photo (above) he asked me: 'Are you Karine?' He repeated his question. I replied and he then continued: 'I was in Goodwood Prison. I got the book. I have it with me.' What a stunning welcome to a prison where we have not yet been with the process - well at least not officially. This man has however brought it with him. Because it meant something special to him.

As we made the presentation that morning on the 23rd to the 11 management areas we highlighted this special meeting at our arrival. And even if our statistics show that we had 104 Graduates and 20 Coaches/Students within our programme the past few years there are several hundreds inmates who have benefitted. Yes, they may not have 'graduated' due to certain circumstances - like this inmate who was transferred to Drakenstein. Each one is still a huge success. Each one with a very special journey. One never knows what a single moment, a few weeks or months can do in a persons life. This inmate was a wonderful testimony of exactly this.

Over the two days we heard quite a few presentation from other stakeholders / service providers who operate within DCS in one or more of the management areas. It was fruitful to learn about their approaches, their achievements and also their challenges. Each challenge is an opportunity for learning and growth.

We were in awe of the dialogue that DCS invited us into. There was a genuine interest to learn from all of us and to renew the vows of the partnerships in rehabilitation, walking in unity as we build a safe and healthy South Africa.

We feel truly proud that we as SmilingOne walk in partnership with DCS. We have the through those two days strengthened this partnership, we have build bridges and connected with wonderful people within the department. We enjoyed the openness, the willingness to learn and grow and the re-commitment from everyone's side.

Also a special thanks goes to Ms Kokong. SmilingOne will now go through the Regional Clearance to expand beyond the four prisons where we are currently active (Brandvlei Maximum Prison, Brandvlei Juvenile, Goodwood Medium and our latest is Worcester Medium - just got the green light).

And a special thanks to Mr. Freddie Engelbrecht - deputy regional commissioner (picture).

We look forward to keep everyone posted on the journey as we continue living our passion in SmilingOne - sharing SMILES and touching HEARTS ; ) We are soon starting our fourth year in the partnership with DCS. It is a privilege!

In Gratitude

Karina Andersen
Founder & Trustee
The SmilingOne Foundation