Luyanda is part of the SmilingOne Inmate Responsibilty Coach Team in Worcester Prison
Luyanda's Notes:
Life is so amazing because who we are is always brought to the fore by our backgrounds. And this has/is playing a major role in the manner in which we do and perceive things. This is bringing the realization that everything we do there is a meaning behind it. That is what makes life so great. Simply because one has meaning/a purpose to live for in this beautiful universe.
To reflect upon the manner in which we do things, you will find that the word tolerance we give meaning to it in different ways. How we react or act in its meaning differ as well. Nowadays you will find that we as individuals do not easily tolerate each other due to differences such as religion, race, beliefs, personalities, status, moral/values, background and how we do things in life. And this has lead to communities, organisations, companies and individuals to change their visions and their focus in life. The result is that we end up discriminating each other.
Being who you are is influenced by your values. The choices we make based upon these are the ones that determine our journey. Therefore for me to understand the meaning which I am giving the word ‘Tolerance’ is solely made possible by understanding that in life we are all unique, we are different in colours, backgrounds, religion, faith, race, morals/values and the manner in which we do things.
I take a closer look at the manner in which I personally used to do things, and the meaning I gave to the environment which I was surrounded by (and peoples circumstances also). I grew up regarding an individual which did not have the colour of my skin as one not to be trusted. Also those who did not share my belief or religion I operated away from. The same counted if we did not share the same faith. Personalities and values automatically differed. The slight possibility of me being positive, open for learning, exploring and accepting you as a beautiful being that brought light in my journey – there was no room for at all. I was ignorant, ego and pride driven, jealous and always held a grudge. Those were dominant aspects in my life.
Even on my arrival in the project called Group of Hope I experienced the same. I met guys that shared the same personalities that I had. Distrust, hatred, jealousy, ignorance and grudge. This created a situation whereby we focused on other people’s personalities instead of the groups shared vision and mission... To allow yourself to be exposed in such a situation is very much important.
Today I realize that the understanding of myself, where I come from, what I do and perceive is important for my growth. And everyone I meet with same or different belief, race, culture, religion, faith, personality and moral/values are part of the beautiful soul I am today. Because I am ONE with everyone/everything in this universe.
Lack of understanding led me to take everything very personally, to discriminate, not to trust people and to have fear of certain situations on my journey, to be one–dimensional in how I perceived/related to things in life, to cause tension wherever I was, to shift people’s minds from their goals and vision in life, to make everything about myself, not accepting/allowing people into my life...
I have truly achieved a lot just by accepting/allowing everyone and their belief, their race, their culture, their personality, their background and moral/values. I became patient with myself and with other people. I realized that being a responsible individual asked of me to have a mission and a vision in life and to always live a life by my core values which of course are the very core of my well being.
Today I make sure that whatever I do is motivated by love, compassion and caring which are some of my core values. Each decision I make is inspired by them. And this is what I encourage my fellow individuals to live by - to have a purpose in life. I seek to create a situation based on trust at all times. Because as the one in charge of my personal journey I enjoy/walk/talk responsibly and I offer a hand in guidance to others to be responsible of their journey. I love being this person that I am.
Experience is a hard teacher – she gives the test first and the lesson afterwards. This experience has helped me a lot because now I can relate to and guide with understanding of where I come from and where I am heading to in my journey. Life is a journey. Tolerance is one of the steps of learning on this journey – combined with understanding, allowance and acceptance.
With much Love & Light