Commitment to the RR programme

I was recently asked how committed the inmates are to the RR programme, how successful we are in keeping them focused on the process and how many drop out.

Firstly I would like to add that we are able to accomodate everyone within the programme. Each individual is on a very special journey. This process meets him/her exactly where needed most. Everyone attending for at least 1 term will receive a certificate of attendance - an acknowledgement for the commitment to continuous learning and growth.

Here some numbers:

  • 16 offenders were in Jan 08 given the choice to attend the RR programme
  • 14 of them accepted and began the process
  • 1 stopped the programme after 1st term - 13 continued
  • 1 stopped the programme after 2nd term - 12 continued
  • 1 was transferred to Worcester Prison - 11 continued
  • 1 of those who did not accept in Jan 08 asked to start the process in July 08 - he is now busy with his personal RR process
  • 7 new guys have chosen to be enrolled in the RR programme in Aug 08 and to become the first test-clients of the Responsibility Coach™ Students

Status Aug 08:

  • 8 committed Coach Students (6 Brandvlei - 2 Goodwood (transferred)
  • 2 in their implementation phase one-on-one
  • 8 new RR attendees, creating their platform

The Coach Students in Brandvlei will soon create Circles of Sharing each with 3-5 attendees. As the Coach Students progress in their Coach Education they will soon be equipped to run several Circles of Sharing each, reaching out to more and more inmates throughout the prison.

The Coach Students in Goodwood are currently recruiting new GOH members and will begin the RR programme during the month of September. More will follow soon!

3rd term: 8 inmates have begun their Responsibility Coach Education

We are working with great determination through our 3rd term in the RR process.

  • We are busy finalizing the visions within each of the 6 responsibility area (affirmingly) and the gauging (focus, action, improvement).

  • We have now re-arranged the Circles of Sharing (Responsibility Coaching™ groups): we now have one Coach Student Group, who are attending their coach & personal development training every Wednesday.

    Those who have attended the course the past 8 months and who will not train to become coaches are attending one-on-one coaching sessions in this important phase of implementation and building awareness.

  • The Coach Student Group (6 guys in Brandvlei and the 2 guys who have just transferred to Goodwood) has just received their Responsibility Coach™ Manual. They are having a weekly Study Group meeting and are preparing to take on their first 'test-clients', guiding their fellow inmates through the RR process using the book The Responsible Individual.

  • Our two GOH & RR guys: Thabo & Welcome, who just transferred to Goodwood Prison, are already benefitting from a Thursday Circle of Sharing (responsibility coaching™ sessions), continuing their RR process. You can soon read more about our expansion to the Goodwood Prison.