3rd term: 8 inmates have begun their Responsibility Coach Education

We are working with great determination through our 3rd term in the RR process.

  • We are busy finalizing the visions within each of the 6 responsibility area (affirmingly) and the gauging (focus, action, improvement).

  • We have now re-arranged the Circles of Sharing (Responsibility Coaching™ groups): we now have one Coach Student Group, who are attending their coach & personal development training every Wednesday.

    Those who have attended the course the past 8 months and who will not train to become coaches are attending one-on-one coaching sessions in this important phase of implementation and building awareness.

  • The Coach Student Group (6 guys in Brandvlei and the 2 guys who have just transferred to Goodwood) has just received their Responsibility Coach™ Manual. They are having a weekly Study Group meeting and are preparing to take on their first 'test-clients', guiding their fellow inmates through the RR process using the book The Responsible Individual.

  • Our two GOH & RR guys: Thabo & Welcome, who just transferred to Goodwood Prison, are already benefitting from a Thursday Circle of Sharing (responsibility coaching™ sessions), continuing their RR process. You can soon read more about our expansion to the Goodwood Prison.