What a year of true GREATness....
I am in total awe and deeply humbled by the amazing progress of the Responsible Rehabilitation Programme - our SmilingOne ONE SOCIETY initiative - within South African Prisons. I feel privileged to walk the path with each one of our participants - both as a Mentor and as a Student - and I look forward to those to come.
Our motto is: Inspired to Inspire!
Since our last update:
We currently have 2 phases running...
- The Responsibility Coach™ Student Group
The Coach Students are in their first Module: Challenge to Opportunity. We focus on bringing all elements of their individual and their shared journey to a place of harmony - understanding that each challenge is an opportunity for growth - for balance.
Each Student has taken on a test-client and guides the client through the process of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. At the same time they all meet in their Coach Student Group every Sunday, bouncing of their processes and doing role-playing, and they have been busy with their first case study: bringing challenge to opportunity.
Please spent a few minutes visiting their online profiles and be inspired ; )
...and watch out for frequent updates of their profiles as they continue to add-on to their journey of responsible living. - Our Wednesday Circle of Sharing
Our Wednesday Circle of Sharing is truly powerful. Here both the Coach Students, their test-clients and any of the inmates can use the space for sharing and benefit from the gentle guidance of a SmilingOne Responsibility Coach™ . This is where we focus on aspects such as...
- The Journey of Self Discovery
- Team Building & Communication
- The Concept of Responsibility in its broadest sense
- Love & Trust
- The Power of Choice
- Personal Balanced Profiles
- Windows of Opportunity
- Diversity & Change
- etc...
We have been very involved with the newly selected Members of the Group of Hope in Goodwood Medium and it has been important to ensure them a platform of sharing in this very challenging phase of starting the group. It is such a wonderful opportunity for all involved (the offenders, Goodwood Management, DCS, Officials...) and for us as Responsibility Coaches™ a great privilege to be part of.
As in Brandlvei Maximum we run the programme through different phases and will in June 2009 have the first group of Responsibility Coach™ Students ready and inspired to inspire ; )